Miguel Aguirre
Selección de obras/Selected works

[ + exposiciones / exhibitions]

esp La pintura de Miguel Aguirre, (Lima, 1973) tiene como fundamento el análisis de acontecimientos referidos a la historia universal reciente o a hechos queemoria de los ciudadanos de nuestro msu difusión a través de los medios de comunicación, es tratadaor Miguel Aguirre replanteando su ...

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The painting of Miguel Aguirre (born in Lima, 1973) has as its foundations the analysis of events referring to recent universal history or to occurrences which, on account of their importance, have produced an impact and left a powerful mark on the memory of citizens in our world today. The iconography of such events generated by their dissemination through the communications media is dealt with by Miguel Aguirre through a...

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